Volume 85

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    Pericolo della Rotta Maggiore

    Nuovo Mondo

    Ecco la cover del volume 85 in uscita a maggio in Giappone.


    Data di uscita: 2 Maggio 2017
    Capitoli: 10, dall'849 all'858
    Numero di pagine: 200
    Titolo: Bugiardo

    Edited by THE TENTH - 30/4/2017, 15:26
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    Pericolo del Nuovo Mondo

    Old Star
    Ovunque ci sia mare e caldo.

    SBS da AP, grazie a sandman!

    Question: There are some characters who resemble Opera in chapter 845.

    Oda: Big Mom is 68 years old now. She was (has been) giving birth to babies every year about for 42 years.

    Opera was born as quintuplets.

    Opera (5th son)
    Counter (6th son)
    Cadenza (7th son)
    Cavarette (8th son)
    Gara (9th son)

    The highest record of Big Mom's multiple births is 10 (one more than nonuplets) children at one time. The children are now 18 years old.

    Question: If Doflamingo took off his glasses, how would he look like?
    Oda: Another glasses appear under the glasses instantly. (Oda draws the pic. lol)

    Question: You said Zoro doesn't eat ice in the previous SBS, but he ate it in chapter 701.
    Oda: Maybe the person in chapter 701 is not Zoro..

    Inuarashi (October 11st)
    Sora (July 9th)
    Pandaman (February 29th)

    Question: Why does Big Mom call herself "Ore" (おれ) despite her being female?
    Oda: I've heard that both male and female sometimes called themselves "Ore" long ago. Even now, it is commonly used in some areas in Japan.

    Question: Who is the fastest crewmate when they run 50-meter race?

    Oda: It's hard to answer..

    1 Brook
    2 Sanji
    3 Luffy
    4 Chopper
    5 Zoro
    6 Usopp
    7 Nami
    8 Robin
    9 Franky

    - Brook is fast since his body weight is light.
    - Chopper would be ranked higher if he uses Walk Point. (another translation: Chopper is ranked high because he can use Walk Point.)
    - Zoro would be ranked higher in the shorter distance race since he would not be off the track. lol
    - Franky is ranked low since he is heavy.

    Question: Why doesn't Sanji's eyes turn into hearts when he is talking with Reiju?

    Oda: That's how it is with brothers/sisters, right?
    I used to get in numerous fights with my elder sister when I was a kid.
    It would be weird if Sanji turned his eyes into hearts to talk with Reiju.

    - The girl in chapter 651 is the same person as Pudding.

    - Mink Tribe can eat birds, reptiles and amphibians except animals with hair.

    Question: How can I become an editor in Jump? Did editors graduate from famous colleges?

    Oda: I can feel your seriousness. It's true that Shueisha has many highly educated editors, but most of them are perverts.
    You have a possibility to enter Shueisha if you graduate from a four‐year college.
    I hope you will become ONE PIECE editor without becoming a pervert in the future.

    Question: The 2nd division commander before Ace is me.
    Oda: You're kidding!!

    Question: Where should I display my Nami character figure?
    Oda: Who knows!!

    E tanti saluti alle teorie di Charlotte mezza gigante e secolare, almeno per ora e per me, guardando l'età che dimostra rispetto a quella reale :sasa:
    Contento però che Oda abbia voluto fare chiarezza in merito, ora bisogna senz'altro capire che "trucco" usa per fare parti di durata decisamente ridotta.

    A parte le risate per il compleanno di Pandaman (non vedo l'ora di aggiornare), l'info di Brook più veloce della ciurma e più veloce di Sanji in particolare mi ha stupito molto, naturalmente in positivo!
    Ad ora la prendo come info canon a tutti i livelli, anche e soprattutto di battaglia :sasa:
  3.     +1   -1


    Grazie Sandman e grazie Kun!
    Finalmente delle SBS degne di nota. Non ricordo neanche quand'è stata l'ultima volta -_-

    La traduzione giusta della posizione di Chopper è sicuramente la prima, visto che le renne possono superare i 60 km/h.

    CITAZIONE (Lord Kun @ 29/4/2017, 10:54) 
    Contento però che Oda abbia voluto fare chiarezza in merito, ora bisogna senz'altro capire che "trucco" usa per fare parti di durata decisamente ridotta.

    Perché? 9 mesi per la gravidanza e 3 per il concepimento bastano e avanzano :lol:
  4.     +1   -1

    Pericolo del Mare Orientale


    CITAZIONE (Lord Kun @ 29/4/2017, 10:54) 
    SBS da AP, grazie a sandman!

    Question: There are some characters who resemble Opera in chapter 845.

    Oda: Big Mom is 68 years old now. She was (has been) giving birth to babies every year about for 42 years.

    Opera was born as quintuplets.

    Opera (5th son)
    Counter (6th son)
    Cadenza (7th son)
    Cavarette (8th son)
    Gara (9th son)

    The highest record of Big Mom's multiple births is 10 (one more than nonuplets) children at one time. The children are now 18 years old.

    Question: If Doflamingo took off his glasses, how would he look like?
    Oda: Another glasses appear under the glasses instantly. (Oda draws the pic. lol)

    Question: You said Zoro doesn't eat ice in the previous SBS, but he ate it in chapter 701.
    Oda: Maybe the person in chapter 701 is not Zoro..

    Inuarashi (October 11st)
    Sora (July 9th)
    Pandaman (February 29th)

    Question: Why does Big Mom call herself "Ore" (おれ) despite her being female?
    Oda: I've heard that both male and female sometimes called themselves "Ore" long ago. Even now, it is commonly used in some areas in Japan.

    Question: Who is the fastest crewmate when they run 50-meter race?

    Oda: It's hard to answer..

    1 Brook
    2 Sanji
    3 Luffy
    4 Chopper
    5 Zoro
    6 Usopp
    7 Nami
    8 Robin
    9 Franky

    - Brook is fast since his body weight is light.
    - Chopper would be ranked higher if he uses Walk Point. (another translation: Chopper is ranked high because he can use Walk Point.)
    - Zoro would be ranked higher in the shorter distance race since he would not be off the track. lol
    - Franky is ranked low since he is heavy.

    Question: Why doesn't Sanji's eyes turn into hearts when he is talking with Reiju?

    Oda: That's how it is with brothers/sisters, right?
    I used to get in numerous fights with my elder sister when I was a kid.
    It would be weird if Sanji turned his eyes into hearts to talk with Reiju.

    - The girl in chapter 651 is the same person as Pudding.

    - Mink Tribe can eat birds, reptiles and amphibians except animals with hair.

    Question: How can I become an editor in Jump? Did editors graduate from famous colleges?

    Oda: I can feel your seriousness. It's true that Shueisha has many highly educated editors, but most of them are perverts.
    You have a possibility to enter Shueisha if you graduate from a four‐year college.
    I hope you will become ONE PIECE editor without becoming a pervert in the future.

    Question: The 2nd division commander before Ace is me.
    Oda: You're kidding!!

    Question: Where should I display my Nami character figure?
    Oda: Who knows!!

    E tanti saluti alle teorie di Charlotte mezza gigante e secolare, almeno per ora e per me, guardando l'età che dimostra rispetto a quella reale :sasa:
    Contento però che Oda abbia voluto fare chiarezza in merito, ora bisogna senz'altro capire che "trucco" usa per fare parti di durata decisamente ridotta.

    A parte le risate per il compleanno di Pandaman (non vedo l'ora di aggiornare), l'info di Brook più veloce della ciurma e più veloce di Sanji in particolare mi ha stupito molto, naturalmente in positivo!
    Ad ora la prendo come info canon a tutti i livelli, anche e soprattutto di battaglia :sasa:

    Kun pensavo che fossi dispiaciuto per la tua Robin. Anche se alla fine ci sta, la domanda è specifica su una corsa di 50 metri, mentre in battaglia (Brook a parte visto che lo scatto breve è il suo forte) Robin e Zoro si sarebbero contesi con gli altri le prime posizioni se si fosse parlato di "riflessi". Voglio ricordare Robin che ferma un tipo come Hakuba
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    Pericolo del Nuovo Mondo

    Old Star
    Ovunque ci sia mare e caldo.

    Oh, anzi, per quel che mi riguarda meno Robin è abile dal punto di vista combattivo meglio è!
    Il suo ruolo è ben altro e non cerco soluzioni forzate per farla diventare fortissima, anzi... ma credo sia anche un pò come dici, anche se ovviamente è un vantaggio poter far spuntare parti del corpo a piacere basandosi sul senso della vista e basta.

    Perché? 9 mesi per la gravidanza e 3 per il concepimento bastano e avanzano :lol:

    Quindi tutti gemelli, in pratica...
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